Call for additional CAC nominations

Cultural advice committee - additional nominations

Due to insufficient eligible candidates to meet the minimum members required to convene the CACs, the directors of the Gnaala Karla Booja, Karri Karrak and Yued Aboriginal Corporations are calling for additional nominations. This additional round of nominations will close next Tuesday, 19 April.

Click here to nominate online, or contact SWALSC if you need a paper form. The initial directors will assess the eligibility of nominees. If there are more than the required number, a ballot will be held at the first general meeting. 

The additional nominations required are:

  • Gnaala Karla Booja are looking for more male candidates

  • Karri Karrak are looking for both female and male candidates

  • Yued are looking for more male candidates

About the CAC

If your interests, skills and experience are related to culture, community development, heritage protection, and identifying cultural lands suitable for selection under the Settlement, you may consider nominating for the cultural advice committee.

Each regional corporation will be expected to support and promote the work of their cultural advice committee, and be guided by them when making decisions about country and culture.

If you have further questions about the cultural advice committee, call SWALSC on 9358 7400 or email