The SWALSC elections for Directors has progressed to the Ballot stage.
Following the process set out in Rule 9 of the SWALSC Rule book, members have been mailed ballots for the following eligible candidates in the following wards:
Gnaala Karla Booja
Roger Pickett, Phil Matera, Geri Hayden, Shirley Viti and James Bowron
South West Boojarah
Noelene McCormick, Chontarle Bellottie and Malcolm Williams
Vanessa Kickett and Noel Morich
Kevin Fitzgerald, Barbara Bynder and Barry Winmar
The following Wards had only one eligible candidate and as a result the candidate will be declared elected unopposed at the close of the election process.
Wagyl Kaip: John Penny
Yued: Margaret Drayton
Polls close on the 26th October 2020.
Shawn Boyle
Returning Officer