Check your eligibility for the School Student Broadband Initiative

Up to 30,000 eligible families across Australia with a student at home could receive a free National Broadband Network (NBN) service as part of the Australian Government’s School Student Broadband Initiative.

 The initiative has received $8.8m in government funding and had been extended until 31 December 2025.

 Families are eligible if they meet the following criteria:

  • Have a student in the home who is enrolled in an Australian school

  • Have no active broadband over the NBN

  • Live in a location that can access the NBN

  • Not have had an active NBN in the last 14 days. 

Families can be referred by participating organisations, or self nominate by contacting the National Referral Centre for an eligibility assessment on 1800 954 610 or visit the School Student Broadband Initiative National Referral Centre website.